Automatic line Feed Through Press KALLESOE LV 7821 + LA1+ KS1 + KL40 +Vacuumstabler

 місцевість: Gdańsk
 Перегляди: 998
ID оголошення: 1121
99 000 EURчистий
BIAŁCZYK Sp. z o.o.
BIAŁCZYK Sp. z o.o. ● офлайн На сайті від: червень 2022
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The machine consists of the following elements:

- Kallesoe type LA1 feeder - to which we put the material together with the pallet,
and this tray automatically downloads, distributes them into individual elements and passes them on to the sorter

- Kallesoe type KS1 sorter - the sorter automatically retrieves items from the LS1 feeder,
sorts and passes on to the KL40 glue spreader

- glue spreader with a Kallesoe press feeder type KL40 - used to automatically apply glue to each sipe and transfer directly to the press LV7821

- automatic hydraulic press for gluing Kallesoe Type LV 7821 press is used for gluing wooden elements, eg Worktops with maximum dimensions 7800 mm x 2100 mm,
the accelerating factor is hot water supplied to the press shelf and being in a continuous circulation (it can be supplied with CO or heated by heaters mounted on the press)
The heating power of the 72kW press
Maximum capacity of the press up to 2000 m2 / 7.5h

- automatic receiver of finished glued elements together with a vacuum stacker
Kallesoe type Vacuumstabler - receives ready-made elements glued in the LV7821 press and places them through the Vacuum suction cups directly on the pallet, where the operator then picks up the palette of the finished and stacked product.
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99 000 EURчистий
BIAŁCZYK Sp. z o.o.
BIAŁCZYK Sp. z o.o. ● офлайн На сайті від: червень 2022
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Номер: +48...
99 000 EURчистий
BIAŁCZYK Sp. z o.o.
BIAŁCZYK Sp. z o.o. ● офлайн На сайті від: червень 2022
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 місцевість: Gdańsk
 Перегляди: 998
ID оголошення: 1121
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